, Care use is expressed in hours in the month and adds together weekday and weekend hours of care, be it APAsubsidized or not. Beneficiaries with unsubsidized care are those consuming beyond their care plan volume. OOP payments are expressed in euros per month. 5% confidence intervals are displayed in brackets, NOTES: APA beneficiaries customers of the anonymous home care provider in October 2014 (N= 1,616), p.1

, 616) and simulated post-reform data. Care use is expressed in hours in the month. Beneficiaries with unsubsidized care are those consuming beyond their care plan volume. 5% confidence intervals are displayed in brackets. sistent measure of use, we disregard any LTC used while the individual was not eligible for institutional care. 40 See Table 4.C.2 in Appendix 4.D for the descriptive statistics in each subgroup. 41 Estimates of the model of LTC use for each subgroup can be found, NOTES: APA beneficiaries customers of the anonymous home care provider in October, 2014.

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. , 21 2 The datasets used in the thesis: contents, blind spots and costs, List of tables 1 The impact of indexations of pensions and LTC benefits on future coverage and effort rates: A, p.49

. , The definition of long-term care in each Chapter

, The definition of LTC needs and equity principles in each Chapter, p.52

, LTC schemes: Spending and number of community-dwelling recipients in 2014, vol.64

. , 81 1.4 Informal care and formal care utilization: Estimation results, p.83

. , Informal care and formal care utilization as simultaneous decisions: Results on covariates (1/2)

. , Informal care and formal care utilization as simultaneous decisions: Results on covariates (2/2)

. , Informal care and formal care utilization:: Heterogeneity of effects by gender and disability level

, A.1 Long-term care schemes for individuals living in the community, p.101

. , HSM 2008: Comparison with administrative records

. , Sample selection (baseline sample from HSM)

C. , Informal caregivers in HSM survey

. , Formal caregivers in HSM survey

. , Home care in HSM survey: Types of assistance provided by formal or informal caregivers

E. , Robustness checks: Functional limitations and health around age 60, p.116

E. , Robustness checks: Work, retirement and income around age 60, p.119

. , Probability of living in an institution around age 60

F. , Robustness checks: Probability of living in an institution around age 60alternative windows

F. .. , Robustness checks: Functional limitations and health around age 60 in the entire population

. , Descriptive statistics for estimation sample and all program beneficiaries (October 2014)

, Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours, p.142

. .. , Price elasticity of home care by severity of disability and income, p.144

A. , 1 Descriptive statistics for department studied and metropolitan France, p.149

). .. , A.3 Descriptive statistics on the pooled sample, p.153, 2012.

, Individual characteristics associated with the choice of a low provider price, p.171

G. , Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours (absolute consumption)

G. , Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours (relative consumption)

G. , Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours (relative consumption, IV)

, Single-provider areas and multiple-provider areas, p.181, 2014.

G. , 6 Descriptive statistics on the two sub-samples (SPA/non-SPA, p.182, 2014.

G. , Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours (SPA/non-SPA) 183

G. , Censored regression estimates of demand for home care hours, controlling for the type of area of residence

. , Inclusion of home care received on weekends

G. , Consumer price elasticity estimations: Comparing truncated and censored regression models

. , Descriptive statistics on the sample

, Indicators used in the empirical analysis and their interpretation, p.211

, Differential use and contributions by income and disability levels, p.211

, Descriptive statistics on simulated post-reform home care consumption, p.217

B. , OLS regression of home care use on income quintiles and disability groups (test for income-related horizontal inequity in use)

C. , APA care plans: National ceilings, by disability group

D. , Budget constraint and home care consumption with APA: Notations, p.243

, Simulation of post-reform home care consumption: The different cases, p.246

. , Optimal consumption in the pre-reform and post-reform situations: Numerical examples

, Simulation of the change in marginal price of weekday hours, p.249

, Simulation of the change in marginal price of weekend hours, p.249

. , Simulation of the change in virtual income

D. ;. , Unsubsidized consumption by income and disability levels, p.250

, Types of LTC services paid by the Dutch public LTC insurance, p.259

. , 268 4.3 Concentration and horizontal inequity indexes of LTC use, p.271

. .. , Definition of LTC use and needs in the subgroup analysis, p.276

, Concentration index and horizontal inequity index: subgroup results, p.277

. , Description of the microdata sources

B. , 1 Tariffs of publicly-funded LTC services in the Netherlands in 2012, p.287

B. , Correspondence between institutional care and home care: Official conversion grid and comparison of costs

, Co-payments and effort rate on home care: Some practical examples, p.291

, LTC eligibility and utilization rates in the Dutch elderly population in 2012, p.293

. , Descriptive statistics by subgroup of eligibility

C. , 3 Take-up and average value of cash benefits, by income deciles, p.297

. .. , Model of LTC use: OLS regression results (entire sample), p.299

, Concentration indexes of CIZ-assessed needs and non-need factors, p.302

. , Model of LTC use: OLS regression results by subgroup

E. , Concentration of needs and horizontal inequity index: Comparison of results under the two norms of vertical equity in use

. , Concentration and horizontal inequity indexes: Excluding the deceased

. , The range of long-term care services

. , 11 3 Public spending on LTC as a share of GDP, Formal LTC utilization rates in the 65+ population, across OECD countries

. .. , 17 5 What do we mean by long-term care needs? A schematic representation, the European Union: 2016 versus 2080, p.32

. , LTC schemes in France, for individuals living in the community: Age thresholds of ages 60 and 65

, Home care use among disabled individuals, p.70

. , Care utilization around the discontinuity: Proportion of individuals receiving some home care (formal or informal)

. , Care utilization around the discontinuity: Proportion of individuals receiving informal or formal home care

. , Care utilization around the discontinuity: Proportion of individuals receiving both formal and informal home care

. , Probability of living in an institution, by civil age

. .. , Sample size in the community sample of interest, by civil age, p.113

, Population size corresponding to the community sample of interest, p.113

, Sample size in the matched institution/community survey, by civil age, p.114

, Population size in the matched institution/community survey, by civil age, vol.114

E. , Severity of disability around age 60: Average number of ADL individuals have difficulties to perform, by civil age

. , Work status around the age 60 threshold: Proportion of individuals working, by civil age

E. , Retirement status around the age 60 threshold: Proportion of retired individuals, by civil age

. .. , Budget constraint for home care under the APA program, p.134

. , Correlation between provider price and number of municipalities served by the provider

, Distribution of absolute home care consumption, by disability level, p.157

, Distribution of relative home care consumption, by disability level, p.157

. , Provider price according to the number of APA beneficiaries served by the provider, by legal status

. , Provider price according to the share of hours served on Sundays and public holidays, by legal status

, Distribution of the size of authorized providers, p.176, 2014.

. , G.2 Percentile-t bootstrap quality: Distribution of bootstrap t-statistics (Tobit estimation)

. , G.3 Percentile-t bootstrap quality: Distribution of bootstrap t-statistics (IV-Tobit estimation)

, Distribution of providers in the department-Schematic representation, p.180

. Budget and . .. Apa,

. , Budget set with APA, depending on the beneficiary's disability level (prereform situation)

. .. , Budget set with APA, depending on the beneficiary's income

, Use of formal home care, by income quintile: Pre-and post-reform comparison, p.218

. , Contributions to the APA scheme, by income quintile: Pre-and post-reform comparison

, Use of formal home care, by disability level: Pre-and post-reform comparison, p.220

. , Contributions to the APA scheme, by disability level: Pre-and post-reform comparison

. , Distribution of home care use by disability group and income quintile (prereform situation)

. , Distribution of OOP payments by disability group and income quintile (prereform situation)

. , Distribution of effort rate by disability group and income quintile (pre-reform situation)

C. , APA co-payment rate, before and after the 2016 reform, depending on income 238

. , Change in the APA co-payment rate induced by the 2016 reform, depending on income

. , APA co-payment rate, before and after the 2016 reform, depending on the care

C. , Change in the APA co-payment rate induced by the 2016 reform, depending on the care plan

D. , Budget constraint of APA beneficiaries: pre-and post-reform, p.245

, Bunching at the kink for weekday care use, before and after the reform, p.251

, Distribution of need-standardized LTC use across income deciles, p.271

. , Contribution of non-need factors

. , Probability of using a given type of LTC, by subgroup

. , Budget constraint for single, 65+ individuals eligible for home care (per fourweek period)

C. , Concentration curve of LTC use, by subgroup

. , Estimates of the coefficients of income deciles

. , Estimates of the coefficients of wealth deciles

. .. , Estimates of the coefficients of LTC contracting regions, p.301

, Contribution of non-need factors to horizontal inequity, by subgroup, p.303

E. , Decomposition of horizontal inequity: Comparison of results under the two norms of vertical equity in use

, Estimates of the impact of needs on LTC use, by income decile, p.314

, Estimates of the impact of needs on LTC use, by income decile and subgroup, p.315

. , Probability to have died in 2012, by income decile

. , Distribution of need-standardized LTC use across wealth deciles: Entire population

, Distribution of need-standardized LTC use across wealth deciles, by subgroup, vol.320, p.369